Apply Now

Applications are closed!

No nude photos or screenshots will be accepted.
Keep photos classy, you must be over 18.
Applicants without these will not be accepted.

How To Take Part

Anyone actively involved in the Glamour industry is welcome to participate, provided you are over 18 years old and contribute to the industry with passion and dedication.

How to Apply:

1. Register: Create a profile on our website.

2. Describe: Provide a detailed description of your product, brand, or personal work if you are a glamour model.

3. Submit: You can apply for multiple categories, but each application must use different photos and be submitted individually.

Benefits of Participation:

- Gain promotion through our affiliated brands and networks.

- Increase your exposure to a wider audience.

- Open doors to new career opportunities.


- After applying, you will receive a confirmation email. Please check your spam folder.

- Once your profile has been reviewed and verified, you will receive an approval email.

- Voting opens in October, you will receive an email with your unique voting link, which you can start promoting.

Maximising Your Chances:

- Encourage your fans to vote daily.

- Share your voting link on social media to effortlessly reach more people.

- Enjoy more engagement and new followers from your existing content.

Promotion Opportunities:

- Free promotions across our social media platforms and targeted marketing campaigns.

- Press coverage, filming, and interviews at the awards event for additional promotion.

Voting Details:

- Winners are determined by public votes. Encourage your fans to share your link to effortlessly reach a larger audience.

- Fans can vote once every 24 hours, so sharing your link can keep votes coming in steadily.

Thank you for being a part of the UK Glamour Awards. We look forward to celebrating your success and seeing your amazing fan engagement.